New Trending Love Editing Alight Motion Insta Trending Editing
Hello friends in this article I am explaining new trending love lyrics status video editing in alight motion please support me to do more tutorials read full I will tell step by step
Table of Contents
Editing Process:
First Install the Picart app then open the input images which you want to edit tap on the tools option crop open it select story ratio click on the right and better to save the pan to the high-quality image
Now install the alight motion app then input links in downbeat mark and Shake Effects after opening don’t forget I will share hd preview videos and photos in the telegram group join it on there
After inputting all open beat mark by mohithyt scroll front to see the lyrics move some templates are available and beats are there in the time of 00:08:11 tap on the plus icon click media select your photos
Next tap on three lines click fill composition area and open the move & transfer option to swipe here to move the layer and adjust the full screen go to time 00:09:05 trim the right side now again add a new photo
Same process tap on the plus option add the image adjust to full screen after adding all photos to the perfect set full screen now come to 00:04:06 time tap on the red template add the image color and fill and select your picture
Now guys go to the time of 00:06:29 same process tap the template to color and fill in select any of your photos before editing in the Picart app move forward to see more add pictures to all and move and transfer and adjust perfectly into fullscreen
Images In Video:
After adding Go back to the home page open shake effects by mohithyt in the starting 00:00:06 time image will there tap and click and copy blink tiles pulse size exposure gamma go back
Open beat mark now go to front time 00:09:11 small beats tap that images and past the effects next beat 00:11:18 past it 00:11:26 and 00:14:07 same process till the end of video now go back to home page
Next, tap on Shake effects by mohithyt 00:01:40 new effects copy came to the home open beat mark 00:08:19 time click on image effects past it now leave two beats again past to the third picture new trending love editing Alight Motion Insta Trending Edit
Do the same process to all empty places now go back to the home page and open shake effects copy the last image that comes back open beat mark balance empty photos just click past efforts and move forward to the front 00:19:25 very easy to add all of these
Come to starting of the beat mark India lo beautiful tax laga already I input settings so tap and copy lyrics effects move to 00:01:22 lyric beauty tax just past it neat 00:02:20 you will the highest tax payer add perfectly with the same black pink colors
Now go back open shake effects select hdr four layers tap plus copy and open Beat Mark Past long-press select drag to the right side last after clicking on the settings option select high-quality minimum 1080p & 60fps export
Overall this is the complete process of new trending love lyrics status editing I hope you all like this tutorial so please support me to do more articles Thank You.
Shake Effects: DOWNLOAD
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